Keywords: strategic marketing, principles of strategic marketing, methodology, methods of strategic marketing


Purposes of the article are to clarify the essence, content and conceptual foundations of strategic marketing in the conditions of modern challenges, to systematize the principles and methods of strategic marketing and the features of its modern methodology. The works of foreign and domestic scientists note a conceptual change in the essence of strategic marketing and its role in modern business management. Marketing management is recognized as a relevant concept, however, in the scientific environment and in practical marketing management, there is no unity of views regarding the essence and content of strategic marketing as the main element of marketing management of an enterprise. The article examines the issue of formation and development of strategic marketing; meaningful analysis and transformational changes in its methodology. The scientific results obtained by the authors include clarification of the essence and content of the "strategic marketing" category, systematization of principles, functions and definition of the content of the modern strategic marketing process; distinguishing the main methods used by the phases of the implementation of the strategic marketing process. It was revealed that the methodology of modern strategic marketing involves the mandatory study of the synergistic effect of market resources and marketing opportunities and their impact on the firm's efficiency using a configuration approach. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the formation of a methodological base for building a strategic marketing system for enterprises of various spheres, industries, forms of ownership and scale of activity. The conclusions of the conducted research are that the concept of marketing management, which is followed by many successful companies, gets its development due to the expansion of the spectrum of applied strategic marketing methods and improvement of its methodology. Currently, the dominant trend in enriching the methodological toolkit of marketing management is digital technologies, which expand the possibilities of strategic marketing, constantly increasing the effectiveness of methods at each stage of the continuous process, ensuring high competitiveness, stability of functioning and profitability of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Larina, Y., Ovsiienko, N., & Vasylkov, D. (2023). TRANSFORMATION OF STRATEGIC MARKETING METHODOLOGY IN THE CONDITIONS OF MODERN CHALLENGES. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (1), 30-38.