Keywords: management, logistics, logistics system, trade logistics, export-import operations


Objective. The article is devoted to research and substantiation of measures to increase the efficiency of logistics system management at exporting enterprises. It has been established that logistics science in the economic environment is based on individual developments carried out in the military and mathematical spheres, and on the achievements of such related business disciplines as inventory management and simulation modeling. Results. It was determined that the main place in logistics belongs to material and accompanying information and financial flows, the study of the essence and features of which revealed the problem of their synchronization during movement. The authors provided their own definition of the concept of a logistics system as a complex multi-level system that contains subsystems united in a single continuous process of enterprise management, takes into account the influence of one element on others, has direct and feedback links with the external environment and is based on the principles of flexibility, adaptability, compatibility and interconnection of all its links. It has been proven that the organization of sales activities of Koltekagrohim LLC should be considered not separately from purchasing, but in the systemic interdependence and interrelationship of distribution processes with supply processes. As a result of the generalization of the research, the principles of logistics management, based on which the movement of goods and information flows in the unified system of LLC "Koltekagrohim" is harmonized, have been clarified. Practical significance. The authors proved that warehousing is an important part of the commercial activity of "Koltekagrohim" LLC, but the state of its development does not meet modern requirements. Reconstruction and technical rearmament of existing warehouses require serious attention. The authors propose to consider trade logistics within the framework of a single flow process of moving goods and information along the entire logistics chain from the manufacturer to the final consumer.


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How to Cite
Parii, L., Vinogradchyi, V., & Pererva, T. (2023). JUSTIFICATION OF MEASURES TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF MANAGEMENT OF THE LOGISTICS SYSTEM OF THE ENTERPRISE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (2), 43-51. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2023-2-6