Keywords: financial reporting, digital space, International Financial Reporting Standards, electronic reporting, electronic document management, investments


Objective. Financial statements are an important tool for managing a business entity. Results. Effective management of an enterprise requires timely, reliable information on which to base management decisions. Since Ukraine's accession to the European political, economic and legal space is on the agenda of the country's national foreign and domestic policy, it is natural to adapt Ukrainian legislation to EU legislation. An important factor in the harmonization of the Ukrainian legal space within the EU is the alignment of accounting and reporting rules with international standards, which is achieved through the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards, the Management Report, etc. into accounting practice. However, the process of developing accounting activities requires further effective steps, especially in times of crisis, when it is necessary to overcome external threats and mobilize resources to achieve success. Attracting foreign investment is inevitably linked to the production of timely, high-quality financial statements. This can be achieved by ensuring that electronic financial statements are prepared on a regular basis. The issue of not just adapting Ukrainian legislation and Ukraine's integration into the European Union, but also of integrating into the European economic system and gaining the benefits of its organization through the introduction of promising information and economic models of business entities' functioning in the real economy with the use of advanced technologies in accounting and analytical practice, is becoming more and more relevant. It is clear that this process includes a number of successive stages, the passage of which allows to form the expected results. In our case, this result should be the formation and operation of an electronic database of financial reporting indicators. Practical significance. Operational information on the current financial, economic and property status should be as close as possible to the resulting indicators of the published financial statements.


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