The article examines the impact and experience of using the artificial intelligence on the marketing activity using the example of meat industry enterprises. The strategic task of marketing activity of meat industry enterprises in the modern conditions is the full use of marketing potential for increasing efficiency, expanding market share, meeting consumer need in timely manner, ensure long-term competitive benefits due to the search of reserves and making innovative marketing decisions. Artificial intelligence that provides eat industry enterprises with opportunities – benefits in marketing activity, thus, reducing tie on the analysis and creating information databases from suppliers to the attracting customers, revolutionizing the way marketers communicate with their audience and achieving their own goals, improving and optimizing marketing complex that consists of “4P”: product, price, place and promotion. The modern impact of artificial intelligence on marketing complex “4P” for meat industry enterprises is substantiated. Current areas of application the artificial intelligence (AI) for implementation on the meat industry enterprises in the future to increase the level of competitiveness on the highly competitive meat market is proposed. With the help of artificial intelligence all the elements of marketing concept of “4P’ which are interconnected and complementary are improved. Artificial intelligence contributes to the development of marketing decisions, which are based on the use of innovations in various types of activities of customers, companies, markets, and activates the emergence of new types of marketing, which are expedient to apply in the practice of meat industry enterprises. Today’s experience of using the artificial intelligence in marketing activity already contributes to the fact that meat industry enterprises reduce costs, increase control over the quality of production and ensure safety for customers which is confirmed by compliance with the system of international standards ISO 9000, ISO 22000, ISO 14000 and others.
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