Keywords: factor analysis, reflexive approach, business processes, business process management, average group evaluations


Objective. The analysis of the significance of factors influencing the development of business process management systems using a reflexive approach is fundamental to ensuring their effectiveness and adaptability. Understanding the parameters of these factors allows for a deeper comprehension of how various aspects of the internal and external business environment impact management processes. Methods. The analysis helps identify potential risks and deficiencies in management, enabling timely corrective actions. In this context, a reflexive approach plays a crucial role as it fosters continuous self-improvement of management systems, allowing them to effectively adapt to changes and challenges in the modern dynamic world. Results. The article conducts a parameterization of factors influencing the development of business process management systems based on a reflexive approach. Expert estimation methods were employed for parameterization, particularly in identifying their significance. It was found that the most significant factors include "continuous improvement," "risk management and accountability," and "stakeholder engagement," which are key to achieving high efficiency and adaptability of organizations in the face of constant environmental changes. Scientific novelty. It is demonstrated that all examined factors exhibit certain independence and belong to different clusters, although they are interconnected directly or indirectly. Considering the nature of these connections is crucial in forming and implementing management decisions affecting the development of business process management systems based on a reflexive approach. Practical significance.Effective implementation of these factors requires not only understanding their internal essence but also management's ability to flexibly manage changes and respond appropriately to challenges. Emphasis is also placed on the necessity of building an effective communication strategy to ensure high levels of engagement and motivation among all stakeholders, thereby enhancing overall management process efficiency.


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How to Cite
Pidvalnyi, M., Rusyn-Hrynyk, R., & Terebukh, A. (2024). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (4), 188-194. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-4-26