The current economic situation in Ukraine requires market actors to revise their marketing concepts and strategies, since in order to achieve success, it is necessary to meet the ecological and ethical expectations of consumers. One of the ways to achieve this is to study and effectively implement the concept of environmental marketing. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the methods and determine the features of the application of the concept of ecological marketing by enterprises in Ukraine. It has been proven that environmental marketing reflects the growing importance of taking into account the interests of not only consumers, but also society as a whole, including aspects of ecology and social responsibility. The article examines the types of ecological marketing, substantiates the need to combine different types to create your own unique offer. The following methods of ecological marketing are highlighted: optimization of production costs based on innovative approaches, using safer technologies; development of ecological goods or modernization of traditional ones; the possibility of further safe processing of the packaging of the product (or the product in real execution) and the possibility of reducing waste; the possibility of reusing the product or its components; methods of sales and promotion of eco-products. The complex of ecological marketing (eco-4P) in terms of sustainable development up to 11P, which includes elements of People, Publicity, Physical Evidence, Perceptual psychology, Package, Purchase, Probe, was considered and supplemented. The ecological situation in Ukraine and changes in demand for eco-goods are considered. Taking into account the peculiarities of market development, modern ecological trends in the activities of enterprises are highlighted: the introduction of innovative production methods that reduce environmental pollution, the development of ecological goods and services, the creation of a positive image of the enterprise, the involvement of influencers for the promotion of ecological goods, the increase of consumer loyalty and awareness, the improvement of control over environmental pollution. In the strategy of ecological marketing in the activities of enterprises, the following advantages are highlighted: economic, marketing, social and ecological.
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