Keywords: event service, event market, event marketing, marketing communications, personalization


In the conditions of rapid growth of competition in the markets, there is a need to find more effective forms of marketing communications. And event marketing has become one of these forms in recent decades. This is a method of promotion that includes a complex of active PR and BTL techniques carried out within a certain event. The purpose of the article is to determine the content and features of event marketing at the current stage of development of the event services market, taking into account external factors and challenges, identifying the main problems and substantiating recommendations for researching this market. The article systematizes and summarizes scientific approaches to the content of the concepts "event-service", "event-marketing", and substantiates the connection between them. The peculiarities of the development of the domestic market of event services in Ukraine in recent years, its state and development trends, in particular during the Covid pandemic and under martial law, were analyzed. An evaluation and comparison of the results obtained during the research was carried out. Factors restraining the development of the event services market in Ukraine have been identified. It has been established that event-marketing as part of IMC enables enterprises to carry out their activities more effectively, to increase the efficiency of functioning and competitiveness on the market. It has been established that the Ukrainian event market has undergone significant quantitative and qualitative transformations since the beginning of the 2000s. The years 2020-2021 have become a test for the entire event industry. Bans, lockdowns and uncertain development scenarios around the world have reduced the number of offline activities to a minimum, as a result of which a significant number of companies have suffered losses. In the conditions of quarantine restrictions, there was a sharp reduction in the number of offline events. These trends led to the emergence of new virtual solutions and, as a result, new opportunities in the event market. Against the background of a sharp reduction in market volumes, there was qualitative growth and reformatting, which included technological innovations and innovative marketing solutions, the development trends of which allow us to say that online events have occupied their niche of mass communications and will continue after the pandemic and after the end of the war.


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How to Cite
Larina, Y., & Dichenko, A. (2024). EVENT MARKETING AND FEATURES OF EVENT SERVICES MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 86-92. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-765X/2024-6-12