The current economic situation in Ukraine requires agricultural enterprises to review their management strategies, because in order to function successfully, they must actively act on the market and satisfy the needs of consumers. This requires a deep understanding of consumer needs and wants and the ability to respond to them quickly and flexibly. One way to achieve this is to study and effectively use different methods and strategies for selling agricultural products, based on the implementation of marketing concepts. The purpose of the study was to review modern marketing concepts and the specifics of their use in production and trade chains. Results. It was determined that the modern development of marketing is marked by a gradual transition from approaches aimed at sales to approaches emphasizing the creation of mutually beneficial relations between participants of the seed market. Marketing for agricultural enterprises covers more than just selling goods and services. It includes a variety of activities related to in-depth market analysis, product range development, advertising campaigns, sales promotion, organization, management and control. Modern marketing concepts are important for the development of production and trade chains in the seed market in Ukraine. They allow enterprises to adapt to new conditions, including the transition to the digital economy and Industry 4.0. One of the key tools within the implementation of the modern concept of relationships in the process of forming production and sales chains is digital marketing, which provides opportunities to effectively promote goods and services using digital tools and reduce advertising costs. Scientific novelty. The application of digital marketing in the field of seed opens up the opportunity to manage interactions with customers through digital and traditional channels, which allows you to create a dynamic relationship with them. Socio-ethical marketing reflects the growing importance of taking into account the interests of not only consumers, but also society as a whole, including aspects of ecology and social responsibility. Each of the marketing strategies must be implemented in the production and trade chain, taking into account specific circumstances and factors affecting the agricultural market of Ukraine.
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