Keywords: intellectual capital, urban development strategies, strategic planning, sustainable development of the city


Modern challenges – pandemics, climate changes, the Russian-Ukrainian war reinforce the need for a clear identification of the intellectual component of capital as one of the most important components of renewing competitive advantages, ensuring optimal working conditions for the expanded reproduction of the human potential of employees, generating added value and increasing the overall value of the enterprise. Intellectual capital is the most powerful engine of economic production and the most important driver of smart, sustainable, inclusive economic and social development. Intellectual capital can be considered as three categories of intangible assets: human capital, organizational capital (or structural capital) and relationship capital (also social capital or customer capital). Among the main components of intellectual capital, various studies testify to the leading role of information and communication technologies for sustainable development in providing various benefits to society in solving societal problems and sustainability challenges in areas such as health care, energy and transport, promoting the excellence of the scientific base (research infrastructures) and promoting leadership in traditional and high technologies, manufacturing sectors (robotics, photonics, micro - and nanoelectronics). In addition, with the widespread use of technological applications and the advent of the digital era, intellectual capital has a significant impact on economic growth and social development, which is increasingly based on knowledge and innovation. The management and implementation of intellectual capital practices has become a decisive factor for competitiveness, reputation, wealth and sustainability, which focus on citizens, quality of life and contribution to a more sustainable society. Accordingly, academics and practitioners focus on researching the relationships between intellectual capital, sustainability and competitiveness of companies, cities, regions and countries. The development of intellectual capital and urban development strategies are interrelated and important for the sustainable development of any city. We have proposed several strategies for intellectual capital and strategies for the development of the urban area, which cover the development of education and science, the creation of convenient infrastructure, support for innovative entrepreneurship, the formation of an open environment, the development of cultural and social life, the preservation of natural resources, and the involvement of the community. Attention is focused on the involvement of the community in the development of intellectual capital, which contributes to the formation of an open and democratic environment.


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How to Cite
Mohylevska, O., Pavlovskyi, S., & Tsiporenko, S. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN THE URBAN TERRITORY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGYS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (5), 101-107.

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