Keywords: land resources assessment, land classification, natural and climatic types of land, suitability of land for intensive use, nomotyping factors, land price


In the article, the authors consider new approaches to the valuation of land in Ukraine, peculiarities of optimization of valuation methods, the latest strategies and innovative solutions in the field. The authors review the works of scientists on methods of calculating the normative monetary value of agricultural land. It is proved that when using the method of land valuation based on the calculation of grain yields, depending on different types of soils within the same district, the value of land in Ukraine differs up to 8 times, while in Europe, the difference is only 16%. The analyzed methods of calculating land valuation, which aim to provide a more objective calculation, have shown that in certain regions with worse natural and climatic conditions, prices are calculated as significantly higher. The authors prove that the value of land is mostly correlated with the profitability of an agricultural enterprise, which, in particular, depends on the natural and climatic types of management conditions, soil groups by the common effect of fertilizers on the amount of yield increase of any crop, the degree of suitability of land groups for intensive use (level of soil washout and steepness of field slopes) and normative factors (field area, length of ridges, configuration, relief, altitude, presence of perennial crops). The authors substantiate that ignoring the factors that actually affect the level of rental income and improving the methods of calculating the price of land by increasing the system of adjustment coefficients will not solve the problem of determining the level of profitability in homogeneous groups of agricultural enterprises and the level of land prices. In the article also analyzes new approaches to the integration of remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems for land valuation, which reduces subjectivity in determining their value. The author considers the impact of modern information technologies on the accuracy and efficiency of valuation, as well as ways to integrate land data with other economic and environmental indicators. It was found that the introduction of these innovations can significantly reduce the gap in value between different types of land and increase the accuracy of valuation compared to traditional methods. The study also confirmed the importance of taking into account socio-economic factors, such as demographic changes, trends in infrastructure and land market development, which may affect the market value of land. Particular attention is paid to the need for a comprehensive approach to valuation that takes into account not only the natural and climatic conditions but also the socio-economic context of the region. Based on their analysis, the authors recommend improving existing methods by expanding the set of corrective factors and applying innovative technologies to ensure a more accurate and fair calculation of land values. This will reduce the imbalances in valuation and ensure more efficient use of land resources in Ukraine.


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Adewale Henry Adenuga, Claire Jack, Ronan McCarry. The Case for Long-Term Land Leasing: A Review of the Empirical Literature. Available at:

Ekonomichni rakhunky dlia silskoho hospodarstva za NUTS-2 rehionamy. Available at:

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How to Cite
Kalinchyk, M., Slobodianyk, A., Taranenko, F., & Nastopyrov, V. (2024). THE NEWEST APPROACHES TO ASSESSMENT OF LAND RESOURCES OF UKRAINE: OPTIMIZATION, THE NEWEST STRATEGIES AND INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (6), 47-58.

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