Keywords: competitiveness, management, integral indicator, evaluation, competitiveness criteria, competitiveness coefficient, mobile communication


One of the most important areas of studying the peculiarities of an enterprise's economic activity, especially in a constantly evolving and changing market, is the analysis of the enterprise's competitiveness. The importance of studying this topic lies in the fact that a high level of competitiveness of an enterprise is a guarantee of high profits. In modern conditions, competition is a determining factor in price regulation and an incentive for innovation processes (introduction of new inventions and technologies into production). It contributes to the displacement of inefficient enterprises from production and the rational use of resources. Therefore, a constant study of competitiveness is necessary both for the enterprise (to improve and maintain its position) and for the state (to control the relevant industry). The article analyses the competitiveness of Kyivstar PrJSC, a telecommunications company in Ukraine that provides communication and data transmission services based on mobile and fixed technologies, including 4G (LTE). Since Kyivstar PrJSC is a priority service provider among numerous operators in the mobile communications market, it was advisable to study the activities of this enterprise and determine its competitive position during 2020-2023. To this end, the main economic and financial indicators of Kyivstar PrJSC were assessed based on the company's financial statements. The calculations showed a slight improvement in the company's performance, as evidenced by the results of an increase in such indicators as net income from sales (goods, works, services), financial result before taxation, net profit and others. The next stage of our research was to assess the competitiveness of the enterprise according to the methodology of the author O. Masliuk. For this purpose, the indicators of PrJSC "Kyivstar" were determined by the following groups: efficiency of production activities of the enterprise, which includes such indicators as production costs per unit of output, capital efficiency, profitability of goods, labour productivity; financial condition of the enterprise; efficiency of sales and promotion of services. It is determined that the most reasonable is the use of the method of integral assessment of competitiveness based on the calculation of groups of indicators. The integral indicator of competitiveness of PrJSC "Kyivstar" in 2020-2023 is calculated, and the leading position of Kyivstar, which is actively engaged in economic activity and increases the number of its customers every year by positioning itself as a leading mobile operator with the best coverage throughout Ukraine, is confirmed. Thus, in 2023, the integrated competitiveness indicator of Kyivstar PrJSC was 154, which is 27 (21%) higher than in 2022 and 41 (36%) higher than in 2021. The value of the resulting indicator for 2023 showed that the company has competitive advantages compared to previous years.


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How to Cite
Samofalova, M., Mohylevska, O., Blakyta, O., Peresunko, G., & Kryzhniy, V. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF COMPETITIVENESS MANAGEMENT OF «KIEVSTAR» PJSC. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (7), 118-126.

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