Keywords: city brand, branding, city competitiveness, attractive city image, online city brand


Objective. The article is devoted to the study of scientific knowledge about the aspects of formation of the city branding technology as an instrument of its attractiveness. Results. Based on the analysis of scientific knowledge about the aspects of the formation of city branding technology as a tool for its attractiveness, the authors have found that a brand is an intangible asset of the regional economy that actively contributes to improving the standard of living and quality of life of residents. At the same time, a city with an interesting history, its own values, cultural heritage and a recognized name becomes an attractive place that attracts the attention of investors and politicians, becomes a center for the development of promising business and attracts consumers. It has been proven that city branding is becoming an increasingly important factor in regional governance. It is worth noting that in order to ensure the growth and prosperity of their population, cities need to have the skills to attract investors, potential residents, tourists and effectively build a clear and positive brand of their territory. It has been established that creating a brand based on strategy development is a key tool for positioning a region, allowing it to become strong and competitive. A positive brand increases the competitiveness of a city, improves the quality of life, attracts external resources and activates internal capabilities, contributing to the formation of an attractive image. Successful brand promotion demonstrates the activity of the administration in supporting the region and its ability to establish partnerships with businesses. Practical significance. The author's research and analysis showed that the city's brand should be visible not only in the physical world but also in the digital sphere. All activities and tools used in real life should also be actively present online, as events in the virtual world have a significant impact on the perceptions and actions of stakeholders and the target audience in the real world. At the same time, in order to effectively create and popularize a city's online brand, it is important to understand the purpose and functions of its formation, take into account all possible conditions that may affect it, and have the tools and methods of brand management. Thus, the main purpose of creating a city's online brand is to form and strengthen its image, as well as to increase the level of recognition to increase its popularity among the audience.


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How to Cite
Pavlovskyi, S., Mohylevska, O., Slobodianyk, A., & Melnyk, N. (2023). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF CITY BRANDING TECHNOLOGY AS A TOOL FOR ITS ATTRACTIVENESS. Kyiv Economic Scientific Journal, (3), 113-121.

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